Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Vacation

 First day off from school and the presents are wrapped and ready to go. I think they look pretty good if I do say so myself.
Yesterday, my Kindergarten class had Pajama Day with Cocoa and Mustache cookies!!! I found these amazing cookie cutters and just knew that 5 and 6 year-olds would appreciate them.
Over this last week, I have been just watching and listening about the comments from others on Facebook, the radio, and Twitter all about the tragedy in CT. I did not say anything because I just did not know what to say. I just wanted to to take time to reflect and pray about it. It was like watching a nightmare that I could not turn off, I just had to know more about it so that I could make sense of it. I was pestering my husband about the gun laws in Georgia. I could not believe how easy it is to buy a gun and license to carry. It really shocked me all of the places that you can legally carry a gun if you have a license. I told my husband that maybe I need to learn how to use one. Not to buy of course, but to educate myself on how to use one and also in how to protect myself/others. It made me think about how I would handle that situation or other situations that require you to think fast and make life saving choices. I don't think that for me it is about learning so that I can survive, it is more about doing all that I can do to keep myself and others safe. I just want a "fighting chance", I want to feel prepared. I look at it like learning self-defense, which is probably also something I should seriously consider. I took more time to slow down and give the attention to my students. I put my computer away and all of the daily paperwork and welcomed each student with a hug. This will be my New Year's resolution, to say "no" to always starting things early so I can "get ahead", and slow down to in the moment. I will put more time and effort into the important side of school which is the children.

I had to share this picture below. My cat Tacky who just loves to explore, decided that she is obsessed with presents. It took a while to get her out of there.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holiday Montage

The Men of the extended Ogle Family.
 I realize a post is long overdue, so I am making up for it by posting a really big photo montage!  This is Richard and I posing right after the family get together for Christmas. Don't you love that he is wearing flip flops in December? Crazy Ga.

 This was an experiment! I had no idea you could make moustache cookies. They are pretty awesome!
Oh the lovely ladies of my family. I just adore this picture. We often do not have all the girls there together and I was so happy to see all the generations in my family.

 This is the Texas Sky they keep talking about. Richard and I went to Hillboro, TX for Thanksgiving with his family. I just had to share these shots, so gorgeous.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home!

I am finally home after 4 days of being at the parents. I could literally not walk at all and they helped to nurse me back to health. I hurt my back and compressed a disc. Crazy as that is at 28 years old, I messed up my back. It tends to run in the family, having bad backs that is.

Tomorrow I am going to the chiropractor again to get readjusted and discuss physical therapy. I am so happy that I will be driving myself!!! I will be actually getting dressed, leaving my home, and doing something on my own.

I saw this earlier and kept thinking that each time I get sick or feel helpless, I remember how small I am compared to God. He alsways has a way of telling me to SLOW Down. I just need to listen better.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fellow Bloggers, I wanted to update you on the shenanigans of my life. This past Saturday I was at Walmart loading up on groceries. I had this crazy temptation to cook for my hubby since he was at home. Well when it came time to pay, I told the grocer that I would just use the storage box I was buying instead of bags. I was trying to save the planet. So After I get home, I realize that my back is sore. I am not thinking too much about it. After church the next day, Richard and I are having a carpet picnic (when we eat in front of the t.v.). When I get up and change into my jammies, I hear a pop and fall to the floor. From that point on, I was in the Urgent Care being told that I had pulled a muscle. Now I am at my folks being taken care of, complete bed ridden. I literally cannot walk on my own right now. Please keep me in your prayers tonight. I so badly want to get back to my normal. I miss work!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bless your heart

These are the 3 best words ever invented. These words will save you in any situation.

1. You are really pissed at someone - "bless your heart", replaces the profanity that you really want to yell.

2. Someone is really stupid - "bless your heart", saves you from calling the person out, and instead makes you sweet and likable!

Through the incessant meetings and encounters with all types of people, these 3 little words have been a life saver. I don't even have to say them, I just think them and then walk away.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I heart Organizing my life

I think that this is a genius idea! So basically when I am feeling like everything is crazy and I have no control of things, I organize or clean. This weekend, my project has been creating a home management binder that is stored in a "junk drawer" which is not really "junk". I have now got a place with all of my important info about home maintenance and family on-goings, to keep me organized. My "junk drawer" is prepped with pens and a calculator, stamps, and checks, so that I can easily pay bills. Even if I never use all the tabs, I am happy knowing that they are there.

Project #2 - I decided that it was time to go through my closet and let go of some clothes. I also decided it was time to go through the bathroom closet and keep what is necessary. I could not believe how many medicines were expired or just empty. Well no longer friends, I have no put order back into the closet :)

Project #3 - I took all of our manuals, certificates, and warranties and filed them into a giant binder. I was so tired of seeing these all around the house in drawers and cabinets. Ugh, it was super gross.

It was all thanks to this amazing website:

Definitely a keeper!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Day, New Blog

Good Morning Bloggers,

I decided that as I begin a new school year with a lot of NEW in every aspect, I need an outlet. My hubby is gone from Monday to Friday, and it is just me and the cats. I work full time and have taken on more work this year with a student teacher and being team leader. I think that it has been more work than expected but very fulfilling on good days.

I pretty much work 11 hour days and then come home to be "homemaker" keeping the house up to par. It is no easy job. I am finding that reading is my "go to" stress reliever. I also thank God for Pinterest and Blogging which really help to keep me entertained. More to come soon...