Thursday, November 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home!

I am finally home after 4 days of being at the parents. I could literally not walk at all and they helped to nurse me back to health. I hurt my back and compressed a disc. Crazy as that is at 28 years old, I messed up my back. It tends to run in the family, having bad backs that is.

Tomorrow I am going to the chiropractor again to get readjusted and discuss physical therapy. I am so happy that I will be driving myself!!! I will be actually getting dressed, leaving my home, and doing something on my own.

I saw this earlier and kept thinking that each time I get sick or feel helpless, I remember how small I am compared to God. He alsways has a way of telling me to SLOW Down. I just need to listen better.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fellow Bloggers, I wanted to update you on the shenanigans of my life. This past Saturday I was at Walmart loading up on groceries. I had this crazy temptation to cook for my hubby since he was at home. Well when it came time to pay, I told the grocer that I would just use the storage box I was buying instead of bags. I was trying to save the planet. So After I get home, I realize that my back is sore. I am not thinking too much about it. After church the next day, Richard and I are having a carpet picnic (when we eat in front of the t.v.). When I get up and change into my jammies, I hear a pop and fall to the floor. From that point on, I was in the Urgent Care being told that I had pulled a muscle. Now I am at my folks being taken care of, complete bed ridden. I literally cannot walk on my own right now. Please keep me in your prayers tonight. I so badly want to get back to my normal. I miss work!!!